Responsive website for a new start-up

Client: Orto Category: Web Services: UX / UI / Design

Orto offer a new way to experience luxury and performance cars through co-ownership. Taking their brand to market through a new simple, intuitive and responsive website.

Aimed at mid-high earners who predominately live in large towns or cities, Orto offer a way to own a premium or performance car by essentially sharing the cost with other owners. Many people who live in cities want the benefits (and prestige) of these vehicles without the high costs of a vehicle which ultimately will sit parked for much of it’s time. As a start-up, Orto needed to convey this message, outline all the benefit’s will offering a competitive price comparison compared to conventional leasing or hire-purchase.

The website needed to convey the freedom of car ownership, make the concept easy and immediate to understand, while also giving the user the confidence to trust a new brand. Cost comparisons and a detailed FAQ supported the offering.

Supplied Prototype / Site Map

Like many ‘Start-ups’ the client had tried to create an initial pass of their proposed structure. However, after some initial work-shops it was clear the structure needed to be completely revised so not to overwhelm the user so going ‘back-to-basics’ a new site map was created.

Rapid Prototyping

Once a new structure was agreed, a very basic wireframe was created to visually demonstrate where and how the content would site. This was then further developed into an interactive rapid prototype so the client could get a real feel for the site structure before any design work began. The prototype was built with break points, so it was clear how the content would re-flow across various sized devices.

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