Responsive website & brand film

Client: Quantum of Value Category: Web / Motion Services: Services: UI / UX / Website Design & Build / Animation

Responsive website and an intro animation for this London based Agile Consulting firm.

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User Journeys / Site Map

Before any work could be started on the website and how we were going to target their customers, it was important to understand the different types of clients they wanted to attract. After some workshops sessions, User Journeys were completed for various persona's before we segmented the information for the website so the hierarchy of the IA would satisfy each demographic.

Rapid Prototyping

An initial ‘sketch’ mock-up of the website was created to help the client visualise the concept and new approach to the structure. Once this had been approved a (slightly)| more detailed wireframe was built into a rapid prototype so a final defined approach could be agreed before any design or build work commenced.

Brand Film

Part of the brief was to create a short introductory film to highlight many of the challenges businesses face and how these can be addressed through an Agile approach and the solutions offered by Quantum of Value. The goal was to create a visually entertaining story that key decision makers in a business could identify with alongside a clear understanding of QoV’s proposition.

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